Friday, March 11, 2011


Okay, I have checked into Twitter. It is interesting reading answers to questions posted and there is definitely a lot to search for. I don't know if I personally will use this tool much. I am following a couple people. I have a feeling I will be more of a lurker.


Delicious is a site where bookmarks can be organized and shared. Bookmarks can be tagged to allow for easier access by selecting key words. There is also links with the most popular bookmarks recently being tagged across a variety of topics. I think it is useful but again I am finding that this will take time to utilize. I do like that you are able to access the bookmarks from any computer. I try not to take work stuff home but some days it is necessary and it would be great to have access to all the sites from home that I use at work.
This week has been busy and I have not had anytime to even look at my blog. I have signed up for Twitter and Delicious. Now to actually find out what these two resources do and if they will help.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am amazed with the number of social media tools that are available. It seems like the amount of time it will take to find what will be helpful for me will be overwhelming but I am going to sign up for a Twitter account.

My First Post!

This is the first post on my social media journey. I find remarkably simple to use.